Senin, 02 Juni 2014


My name is Ahmad Faizal Hariansyah, I was born in Jakarta, February 26, 1992. I was the first child of my two brothers. I have one brother who went to boarding school. I live in Jakarta, I was in elementary school 09 Pulogebang, SMP 138, SMAN 11 Jakarta, and I now run a lecture at the University Gunadarma.

I'm a funny, friendly, attractive, and very simple. I usually used to help parents in the home. My family is a housewife and my father private employee.

My hobbies are sports, namely football, badminton, watching movies. I like the football World Cup Korea Japan since 2002, in fact I always watch football on television with my brother before he was in boarding school. My favorite team is AC Milan. This team was very successful in Europe because often won the world championship and I love football club in Indonesia, namely Jakarta Persija. Because I love my native people of Jakarta Persija Jakarta.

I really love my family. They always make my spirit, became a teacher at home, and laughter. My father was a hard worker, all the time just to work, my mother was a very good and unfortunately the family. I am very lucky to have parents like them.

The motivation of my life is to please their parents, younger brother, and my dear ones. My final motivation is entering his Heaven Allah.

Rabu, 30 April 2014


So Developed Countries , Indonesia should be studied from South Korea

Indonesia needs to be studied from South Korea ( ROK), which is considered to be a developed country and a successful escape from the title as a poor country .
Deputy Finance Minister , Bambang Brodjonegoro explained , the South Korean economy had collapsed after the war with North Korea in 1950 . Fact that Ginseng entered the ranks of the poorest countries in Asia . South Korea's ability to bounce that is what needs to be replicated in Indonesia.

"It was one entry into the poorest country in Asia and lost with Indonesian independence fitting , " said Bambang at the Ministry of Finance , Jakarta , Saturday ( 22/03/2014 ) .

One form of progress is the increasing number of South Korean origin products that are used ginseng Foreign citizens of the world . The most important thing that must be copied from the State 's K - Pop is its ability in improving the quality of Human Resources ( HR ) .

" But now I 'm sure most of the South Korean mobile phone brand Father-Mother , Samsung . Past five years ago Sony , but now Korean products where - where . Their forward Why now ? Key is just one , namely human resources, " said Bambang .

Bambang recount experiences abroad in college , where he met students from more than South Korea and Indonesia .

"When I met my friend the Korean people in the apartment and asked him , how many students ? Apparently there are 700 students . Spirit of those studying outside South Korea to promote his country , so the knowledge and experience of the outside taken and implemented in the country , " said Bambang .

With the increase in HR is expected will help realize the government's target to get into the country with the strongest economy in the world to - 7 .

Indonesia Can Equivalent Wealth in Early 20th Century U.S.

Claim Indonesia as a country filled with the rich world started getting stronger . The results of the latest review of the global financial services company , Credit Suisse Group AG even assess Indonesia's total wealth can be equated with the condition of the United States in the early 20th century . Condition, Indonesia should be able to maintain the pace of economic growth to continue to add to the coffers of wealth.

Citing the official report entitled ` Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2013 ' , Tuesday ( 21/10/2013 ) , Indonesia and Brazil are the ranks of developing countries that successfully demonstrated the excellent economic growth . Since 2000 , Indonesia's total wealth even increasing more than six-fold by 2013 .

Indonesia 's economic growth rate per year was recorded at 10.4 % . If this growth continues berjanjut , Indonesia's total wealth is estimated to be in the same level with the U.S. position in the early 20th century .

As from 2000-2013 , a number of emerging economies are quite strong . Indonesia, China and India even showed improvement in economic conditions above the average of other developing countries .

With high growth supported perekjonomian stability , Credit Suisse predicts the number of status among the wealthy billionaires in Indonesia is projected to increase. Over the past five years , the number of millionaires in the country will even increase from 123 people to 194 people .

Personal property in Indonesia is known to be very strong since 2000 . Economic recovery since the Asian crisis of 1997-1998 proved to be very impressive .

Credit Suisse also considered positive financial management system in Indonesia . Private Debt in Indonesia is very low with only 6 % of the amount of Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) . While 84 % of the total wealth is in real financial assets .

RI Economic Recovery, Foreign Funds Back Go to Capital Market

Indonesian improving economic data in the fourth quarter of 2013 give confidence to foreign investors to enter the capital market . Even so , whether foreign funds will continue to flow in the long term ? .

Based on data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( IDX ) , the total foreign funds into the capital market Indonesia reached Rp 9 trillion in 2014. Foreign investors also entered into bond markets by February 18, 2014 increased by about Rp 2.48 trillion to Rp 337.95 trillion .

Economists Deposit Insurance Agency ( LPS ) , Dody Ariefianto said , foreign funds entered Indonesian economic data boosted sentiment began to improve , especially in the current account deficit fell to 1.9 % in the fourth quarter of 2013.

It gives optimism for foreign investors in the Indonesian economy . In addition , improving economic data raised hopes of Bank Indonesia ( BI ) does not need to tighten monetary policy .

Meanwhile , an economist at PT Samuel Securities , Lana Soelistianingsih added , valuation of shares in the Indonesian Stock Exchange ( BEI ) is cheap too attractive to foreign investors . Central Bank of America ( U.S. ) , The Federal Reserve asset purchases to make bond reduction ( tapering ) of approximately U.S. $ 10 billion in each of his meetings also provide certainty for foreign investors .

" Market participants are able to quantify the risk , so a combination of external and internal sentiment that gives confidence to investors , " said Lana , when contacted , Sunday ( 23/02/2014 ) .

Analyst of PT Buana Capital Tbk , Alfred Nainggolan also saw foreign investors tend to anticipate the Indonesian economy improved .

Foreign investors are buying leading stocks including banks . Therefore , financials sector rose significantly this week . Based on data from the Stock Exchange , the financial stock sector index rose 15.47 % in the year to date .

Then up to when foreign funds will continue to enter into Indonesian financial markets ? Lana said , the possibility of foreign funds will continue to go to Indonesia , looking at the condition of the general election ( election ) .

While Dody rate, foreign funds so big only a temporary euphoria . Because of the current account deficit improved in the fourth quarter 2013 was driven from mineral exports are boosted before anticipates mineral export ban in 2014 .

" This temporary euphoria . Did not continue because I think the data is that economic recovery will continue to improve ? , " Said Dody .

Dody predicted , the trade deficit and the current account will deteriorate again in the first quarter of 2014 . Thing as banning the export of minerals which began in January 2014 . Nevertheless , the U.S. economy ( U.S. ) and Europe is expected to support improved non- oil and gas exports Indonesia . So that the Indonesian economy is still growing in 2014 .

Reference :  

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Curriculum Vitae


I. Personal Details

Name : Ahmad Faizal Hariansyah
Address : Ujung Krawang City, Jln Pahlawan Komarudin RT12/RW 005/No 56, Jakarta, East Jakarta 13950
Phone Number : 089696266128
Place & Date of Birth : Jakarta, February 26 1992
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesia
Email   :

II. Education Details

1. 1998 – 2004 SDN 09 Pulogebang, Elementary School, Jakarta
2. 2004 – 2007 Junior High School / SMPN 138 Jakarta
3. 2007 – 2010 Senior High School / SMAN 11 Jakarta
4. 2010 – 2014 Accounting Degree University of Gunadarma

GPA = 3.85 (scale 4)
PREDICATE = Very Satisfactory

III. Job Experiences

August – September 2011 On the job
private employees at Wrangler
(Jln Pulo Kambing Kawasan Pulogadung) Jakarta
Pulogadung JIEP

IV. Computer Skills

Web Design, Programming, Internet Marketing, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, making software, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop


Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible