Rabu, 30 April 2014


So Developed Countries , Indonesia should be studied from South Korea

Indonesia needs to be studied from South Korea ( ROK), which is considered to be a developed country and a successful escape from the title as a poor country .
Deputy Finance Minister , Bambang Brodjonegoro explained , the South Korean economy had collapsed after the war with North Korea in 1950 . Fact that Ginseng entered the ranks of the poorest countries in Asia . South Korea's ability to bounce that is what needs to be replicated in Indonesia.

"It was one entry into the poorest country in Asia and lost with Indonesian independence fitting , " said Bambang at the Ministry of Finance , Jakarta , Saturday ( 22/03/2014 ) .

One form of progress is the increasing number of South Korean origin products that are used ginseng Foreign citizens of the world . The most important thing that must be copied from the State 's K - Pop is its ability in improving the quality of Human Resources ( HR ) .

" But now I 'm sure most of the South Korean mobile phone brand Father-Mother , Samsung . Past five years ago Sony , but now Korean products where - where . Their forward Why now ? Key is just one , namely human resources, " said Bambang .

Bambang recount experiences abroad in college , where he met students from more than South Korea and Indonesia .

"When I met my friend the Korean people in the apartment and asked him , how many students ? Apparently there are 700 students . Spirit of those studying outside South Korea to promote his country , so the knowledge and experience of the outside taken and implemented in the country , " said Bambang .

With the increase in HR is expected will help realize the government's target to get into the country with the strongest economy in the world to - 7 .

Indonesia Can Equivalent Wealth in Early 20th Century U.S.

Claim Indonesia as a country filled with the rich world started getting stronger . The results of the latest review of the global financial services company , Credit Suisse Group AG even assess Indonesia's total wealth can be equated with the condition of the United States in the early 20th century . Condition, Indonesia should be able to maintain the pace of economic growth to continue to add to the coffers of wealth.

Citing the official report entitled ` Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2013 ' , Tuesday ( 21/10/2013 ) , Indonesia and Brazil are the ranks of developing countries that successfully demonstrated the excellent economic growth . Since 2000 , Indonesia's total wealth even increasing more than six-fold by 2013 .

Indonesia 's economic growth rate per year was recorded at 10.4 % . If this growth continues berjanjut , Indonesia's total wealth is estimated to be in the same level with the U.S. position in the early 20th century .

As from 2000-2013 , a number of emerging economies are quite strong . Indonesia, China and India even showed improvement in economic conditions above the average of other developing countries .

With high growth supported perekjonomian stability , Credit Suisse predicts the number of status among the wealthy billionaires in Indonesia is projected to increase. Over the past five years , the number of millionaires in the country will even increase from 123 people to 194 people .

Personal property in Indonesia is known to be very strong since 2000 . Economic recovery since the Asian crisis of 1997-1998 proved to be very impressive .

Credit Suisse also considered positive financial management system in Indonesia . Private Debt in Indonesia is very low with only 6 % of the amount of Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) . While 84 % of the total wealth is in real financial assets .

RI Economic Recovery, Foreign Funds Back Go to Capital Market

Indonesian improving economic data in the fourth quarter of 2013 give confidence to foreign investors to enter the capital market . Even so , whether foreign funds will continue to flow in the long term ? .

Based on data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( IDX ) , the total foreign funds into the capital market Indonesia reached Rp 9 trillion in 2014. Foreign investors also entered into bond markets by February 18, 2014 increased by about Rp 2.48 trillion to Rp 337.95 trillion .

Economists Deposit Insurance Agency ( LPS ) , Dody Ariefianto said , foreign funds entered Indonesian economic data boosted sentiment began to improve , especially in the current account deficit fell to 1.9 % in the fourth quarter of 2013.

It gives optimism for foreign investors in the Indonesian economy . In addition , improving economic data raised hopes of Bank Indonesia ( BI ) does not need to tighten monetary policy .

Meanwhile , an economist at PT Samuel Securities , Lana Soelistianingsih added , valuation of shares in the Indonesian Stock Exchange ( BEI ) is cheap too attractive to foreign investors . Central Bank of America ( U.S. ) , The Federal Reserve asset purchases to make bond reduction ( tapering ) of approximately U.S. $ 10 billion in each of his meetings also provide certainty for foreign investors .

" Market participants are able to quantify the risk , so a combination of external and internal sentiment that gives confidence to investors , " said Lana , when contacted Liputan6.com , Sunday ( 23/02/2014 ) .

Analyst of PT Buana Capital Tbk , Alfred Nainggolan also saw foreign investors tend to anticipate the Indonesian economy improved .

Foreign investors are buying leading stocks including banks . Therefore , financials sector rose significantly this week . Based on data from the Stock Exchange , the financial stock sector index rose 15.47 % in the year to date .

Then up to when foreign funds will continue to enter into Indonesian financial markets ? Lana said , the possibility of foreign funds will continue to go to Indonesia , looking at the condition of the general election ( election ) .

While Dody rate, foreign funds so big only a temporary euphoria . Because of the current account deficit improved in the fourth quarter 2013 was driven from mineral exports are boosted before anticipates mineral export ban in 2014 .

" This temporary euphoria . Did not continue because I think the data is that economic recovery will continue to improve ? , " Said Dody .

Dody predicted , the trade deficit and the current account will deteriorate again in the first quarter of 2014 . Thing as banning the export of minerals which began in January 2014 . Nevertheless , the U.S. economy ( U.S. ) and Europe is expected to support improved non- oil and gas exports Indonesia . So that the Indonesian economy is still growing in 2014 .

Reference :  
- http://bisnis.liputan6.com/read/2026501/jadi-negara-maju-indonesia-perlu-berguru-dari-korea-selatan
- http://bisnis.liputan6.com/read/808880/ri-tak-boleh-lengah-meski-ekonomi-dunia-stabil
- http://bisnis.liputan6.com/read/834549/ekonomi-ri-membaik-dana-asing-kembali-masuk-ke-pasar-modal

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